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How do I get an SSL certificate and how do I use it? Print

  • 79

cPanel's AutoSSL provides free Let's Encrypt certificates.

There are a few ways to get an SSL certificate.  First and foremost all of our Cloud and Reseller plans come with AutoSSL.  Keep in mind that most paid certificates come with some sort of 'site seal' and insurance against the certificate being broken by an attacker.  Free certificates do not come with either of these features, however, from a technical standpoint free and paid certificates are identical in the amount of security and encryption that they offer.

Due to AutoSSL, you will want to try loading your site over SSL by changing the "http://" to "https://" in your browser bar.  If this works you have an AutoSSL certificate installed already and need to do nothing to get a certificate installed.  If this does not work you can access your cPanel then go to "SSL/TLS Status" and issue a certificate for any domains that you wish to secure with SSL.

Paid Certificates: The easy way.

You can purchase and install a paid certificate very easily by ordering one from us directly.  You can order them from us via Services -> SSL Certificates or by using this link:

Paid Certificates: The hard way.

The more difficult way is to purchase your own SSL certificate from a Certifying Authority such as VeriSign, Thawte, or any other Certifying Authority and have us install it for you. The process of obtaining your own SSL certificate is lengthy and tends to be somewhat difficult so we recommend you purchase one from us.  We do understand that our certificates can be a little more expensive than at third parties but you will not find the convenience in issuing a certificate with a third party as you will with us.

Dedicated IP Addresses: No longer required.

Our servers are all completely SNI Compliant [Server Name Identification] and, as such, a dedicated IP address is no longer required to use SSL.  We do still have IP addresses available for purchase should you desire one and they can be obtained by reaching out to our sales department.

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